Experience what a premium card can really do. Enjoy a superior rewards program, travel perks & round-the-year offers, no unnecessary fees and lowest interest rates. Unlimited Reward points that never expire Use Reward points to instantly pay for online or in-store purchases 1X = 1 Reward point per ₹125 spent | 1 Reward point = ₹0.25 Reward program …
Experience what a premium card can really do. Enjoy a superior rewards program, travel perks & round-the-year offers, no unnecessary fees and lowest interest rates.
Unlimited Reward points that never expire
Use Reward points to instantly pay for online or in-store purchases
1X = 1 Reward point per ₹125 spent | 1 Reward point = ₹0.25
Reward program not applicable on Fuel, Insurance, EMI transactions & Cash withdrawals
Rental and Property management transactions will not be a part of 10X reward program and 10X threshold calculations. However, such transactions will earn 3X reward points
Effective 1st October, 2022, a convenience fee of ₹99 (plus applicable taxes) will be levied on redemption of Reward Points
Metal with a heart of Gold Celebrating the altruist in you with
Ultimate convenience and comfort with a lifetime-free premium Credit
Like all things classic, this card is just as it should be – Super